
PORT DICKSON, March 13 — The Disruptive Womanisation 2022 Programme organised by Sampurna Malaysia (Sampurna) is committed to helping women entrepreneurs from the low-income (B40) and middle-income (M40) groups, stay competitive in the market.

Its chairman S. Manimaran said the programme, organised in collaboration with the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry (KPWKM), was participated by 40 women aged 21 to 40, who were selected from all over the country.

“This is an entrepreneurship programme to unleash women’s talent, especially those with low income. Priority was given to single mothers and the B40 group and they were selected through an interview.

“Through this programme, participants were given training and guidance on running a business,” he told Bernama after the Disruptive Womanisation 2022 Certificate Award Ceremony here which was also attended by Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Ministry deputy secretary-general Datuk Mohd Radhi Abdul Razak.

He added that the programme included workshops and seminars aimed at empowering women towards economic involvement and enhancement while balancing work and family responsibilities. 
