KOTA KINABALU, Sept 29 — Sabah will be further opening up more economic and social activities come October 1, state Covid 19 spokesman Datuk Masidi Manjun said.
Supermarkets, retail outlets, convenience stores, shopping centres and such can now open until 10pm, an extension of two more hours starting Friday.
All manners of eateries including restaurants, food stalls, food courts, food trucks, hawkers, and those operating in hotels and sports and recreation clubs can also open until midnight, also an extension of two hours from the current 10pm rule.
This also applies to petrol stations and the convenience stores they operate.
The relaxation comes in line with the state’s plans to reintroduce the zoning system on October 1 that will allow more freedom of movement within certain zones, consisting of a few districts.
This is also dependent on whether the districts within the zones have achieved 60 per cent vaccination of all its registered adult population.
He reminded all Sabahans that the relaxation of standard operating procedures (SOP) was conditional to a high compliance of social distancing and self discipline. Those showing symptoms, or of high risk, including those under 12 years of age, senior citizens and those with comorbidities and chronic illnesses should be screened before participating in activities.
“This is very necessary to prevent the infection from entering the community,” he said.
Masidi also announced that receivers of the AstraZeneca vaccine who have a longer wait for their second dose can apply to be exempted from certain rulings that only allow fully vaccinated people to participate in.
“Those who have yet to receive their second dose of AstraZeneca can apply for exemption to enter their work premise, for example. Their employers will have to make a temporary exemption application from the local authorities, listing the date of the first dose and the scheduled second dose,” he said.
The state has so far fully vaccinated some 1,761,448 adults of 63.9 per cent of its registered adult population in the state.
Source: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2021/09/29/sabah-to-further-lift-restrictions-on-business-hours-starting-friday/2009445