
JOHOR BARU: The Johor Digital Economy Centre (JDEC), set to be launched tomorrow, will provide comprehensive training and assistance to help Johoreans in their digital transformation journey.

Established with a RM2mil allocation from Sultanah Fatimah Foundation, JDEC is spread over 929.03 sq metres on the second floor of the Country Garden sales gallery in Danga Bay here.

Foundation board of directors chairman Datuk Tee Siew Kiong said the centre pooled together resources and networks to train digitally-forward individuals, influencers as well as small and medium enterprises (SME) to take on global challenges.

He said the centre had high hopes of training 1,200 individuals in its first year to produce talents skilled in media buy, social media platform anchoring and digital transformation for businesses.

“With this centre, we will help to pull the world closer to Johor by providing a platform for our local talents and SMEs to penetrate the international market, and vice-versa.

“We aim to provide end-to-end comprehensive training to benefit Johoreans regardless of age and race, and help them to become entrepreneurs.

“We understand that change and digital transformation may be scary to many. This is where JDEC comes in, to offer them an opportunity to come on board and experience it for themselves, ” he said during a special preview of the centre here.

Tee, who is also adviser to the Johor Mentri Besar, said the foundation held a digital training session for about 200 aspiring online entrepreneurs and influencers back in 2017 and some of them have now advanced to earn a five-figure income.

“This shows that the sooner Johoreans start their digital transformation journey, the better equipped they are to take on the upcoming challenges because like it or not, the world is advancing digitally.

“JDEC is a long-term initiative to address those challenges, ” he said, adding that the centre would be run by a team of 15 to assist the participants.

Aside from training, the centre also provides business-to-business matching, grants and opportunities to collaborate with investors and government agencies such as Perbadanan Usahawan Johor Sdn Bhd and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation.

The centre will feature a data laboratory that focuses on research and knowledge sharing on data science, Internet Of Things, artificial intelligence and block chain.

Tee said personalities such as well-known and experienced local news anchor Chen Jia Rong were already on board as one of the trainers at the centre.

He also said that the centre included facilities such as broadcasting rooms, training centres, co-working space, meeting room and an exhibition space.

Registration for the training courses and activities will be opened after the launch by Mentri Besar Datuk Hasni Mohammad tomorrow, added Tee.

Sultanah Fatimah Foundation was set up in 2015 to help the underprivileged, especially orphans, single mothers, the disabled and senior citizens.