
Rural Development Minister Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad shares the initiatives introduced by the ministry to help small- and medium-sized enterprise entreprenuers, whose businesses have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic

Question: How will small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) entrepreneurs benefit from the RM300 million allocation set aside for Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) under the Penjana Economic Recovery Plan?

Answer: The allocation has enabled the government to introduce Skim Pembiayaan Mudah Jaya (SPiM), a business financing facility to assist entrepreneurs whose businesses were adversely affected by the economic impact brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Small and medium business entrepreneurs, who are training college operators, can also apply for it. This scheme will enable entrepreneurs to fund operation costs, including wages, rental of premises, utilities and other administrative expenses.

Mara has also set up an online application system to expedite the application process for the scheme since June 29. Entrepreneurs also have the option of applying for the scheme by visiting the nearest Mara office in their respective district or state.

At the moment, Mara is processing applications from candidates and helping them with the submission of the required documents.

Q: How has the response from SME entrepreneurs been towards e-commerce, which is booming in the country?

A: E-commerce activities, including online shopping, recorded a significant growth when the government started to implement the Movement Control Order (MCO) followed by the Conditional MCO (CMCO) and Recovery MCO (RMCO).

Such a trajectory has benefited Bumiputera entrepreneurs, especially those in micro-enterprises.

However, there are SME entrepreneurs who need more exposure to e-commerce, including formulating the right business strategies and techniques, to ensure their products and services marketed through digital platforms could reach their targeted consumer groups.

Therefore, the ministry through Mara has introduced digital marketing and e-commerce programmes to help entrepreneurs affected by the pandemic so that their businesses remain resilient during these challenging times.

The programmes will provide exposure to entrepreneurs on the technical aspects, which are crucial in digital marketing and e-commerce. Mara has received encouraging response to the programmes, which were conducted online via webinars.

Q: Are there any additional measures introduced to drive growth among SMEs and Bumiputera entrepreneurs?

A: Previously, the ministry through Mara had introduced several initiatives before the MCO came into force. Among the initiatives are the deferment of Mara business loan payments and the exemption for two months the payment of rental for business premises. Mara also rolled out its training programmes through digital platforms.

These initiatives helped lessen the burden of entrepreneurs during this challenging period and enabled them to re-strategise their business model to ensure their businesses remain resilient.

During the MCO period, Mara had surveyed the impact of the directive on entrepreneurs under its supervision.

The outcome of the survey has compelled Mara to act more aggressively to ensure that the necessary assistance can be immediately distributed to the affected entrepreneurs. It augurs well with the aspiration of the government to revive the economy and help SMEs during the MCO and post-MCO period.

As an agency responsible for Bumiputera entrepreneurs' development, Mara plays an important role in helping to cushion entrepreneurs from the impact of the volatile economic environment due to the pandemic.

Q: What are the measures introduced by Mara to resume education sessions at all Mara Junior Science Colleges (MRSM) and other educational institutions under its supervision?

A: During this pandemic, the safety of students is our priority. We have been advising them on the need to comply with all (anti-Covid-19) guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOP) introduced by the authorities when their classes resume.

Form Five students at MRSM have returned to their respective schools since June 27.

Form Four MRSM students, who are sitting the International General Certificate Secondary of Education (IGCSE) in November, will have to report to their schools on July 4 and 5. The resumption of classes would involve only 15 MRSM nationwide.

The ministry has also rolled out guidelines on the reopening of MRSM to ensure students, teachers and other school employees adhere to the SOP.

As for other Mara education institutions, students are required to report to their institutions in July as announced by the government.

Mara has also come out with SOP to be complied by the institutions to ensure that education and training can resume within a safe environment during the pandemic.

We have introduced teaching and learning platform guidelines for online learning.

Students who do not have the equipment and facility to access online learning can apply to their respective institutions to return to their campuses to ensure their studies would not be affected.

Alhamdulillah (praise be to God), Mara educators are committed to carrying out their tasks online throughout the MCO period and the ongoing RMCO.

Q: What is the ministry's stance on the policy to enrol more students from the rural areas at MRSM?

A: The policy outlined by the ministry ensures that 60 per cent of the total enrolment at MRSM comprises children from families in the Bottom 40 income group, irrespective whether they are residing in urban or rural areas.

We give greater focus to students from rural areas by providing them with opportunities and access to the best secondary education systems and infrastructure. Apart from that, we have a scheme called Skim Budi, which helps students from poor families to ensure that they have access to education.

Q: Can you share with us the impact of MRSM's Ulul Albab programme?

A: The Ulul Albab programme has received a positive response with increasing applications annually. Since 2009, it has produced 2,116 huffaz (Quran mnemonists) graduates.

At the moment, there is one MRSM Ulul Albab, which will continue to empower in terms of its implementation and education module. We will open two more in Bagan Datuk and Bera, which are being constructed.

These MRSM will prioritise science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.
