KUALA LUMPUR, March 30 — The Economic Action Council urged landlords today to consider reducing or waiving rent for businesses prevented from operating by the movement control order.
The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said the EAC was aware of small- and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) concerns about the challenges posed by the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and the MCO.
“To alleviate renters’ burden, all owners of public and private businesses premises are urged to consider discounts, deferrals or exemptions for rent payments by businesses that cannot trade,” the PMO said in a statement.
Bank Negara Malaysia previously announced that all individual and personal loan repayments will be automatically delayed for six months starting April, although interest will still accrue.
The PMO added that the Finance Ministry’s Laksana Unit has also tabled the monitoring report for the recently announced Economic Stimulus Package, to ensure the objectives outlined by the government is fulfilled
“The council also agreed to appoint economic figures from Sabah and Sarawak to join its ranks. They are Sabahan banking expert Datuk Bridget Lai, and Dewan Usahawan Bumiputera Sarawak chairman Datu Abang Halmi Ikhwan, bringing the council up to 13 members at present,” it said.
Source : https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2020/03/30/putrajaya-asks-landlords-to-discount-waive-rent-for-businesses-during-mco/1851754 https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2020/03/30/putrajaya-asks-landlords-to-discount-waive-rent-for-businesses-during-mco/1851754