
Image credit: Gleematic

Small-business owners (SMBs) face many challenges juggling multiple roles—engaging with customers, hiring and retaining employees, closing sales and managing finances. Small-business bankers often ask how they can deepen their relationships with this coveted cohort that allows them to differentiate their offerings and create trusted partnerships additive to their financial solution offerings.

The pace of technology change adds to the challenge these business owners face—particularly with rapidly evolving technology such as generative AI, and this is where banks can lean in with these customers to offer solutions. Unlike larger enterprises, small businesses typically lack the expertise and capital to invest in advanced technologies. This is where banks can help SMBs adopt these technologies.

By leveraging generative AI, banks can offer innovative, specifically tailored tools. While traditional solutions include API-based interfaces into accounting systems, integrated treasury management solutions and even free co-working spaces, the next frontier may be leveraging artificial intelligence as a service (AIaaS).

The Power Of Generative AI For Small Businesses

Generative AI can provide small businesses with a range of powerful tools, from personalized financial advisory services to dynamic financial planning and automated financial management. These solutions can analyze vast datasets to provide tailored advice, create financial models that evolve in real time and automate mundane tasks such as bookkeeping and invoice processing.

Beyond financial solutions, generative AI can enhance business operations by generating high-quality marketing content, handling customer inquiries through chatbots and virtual assistants and developing personalized marketing campaigns based on customer data analysis.

Positioning Banks As Technology Partners

By offering AIaaS, banks can position themselves not just as financial service providers but as essential technology partners for small businesses. This strategic positioning can set them apart from competitors.

Banks can leverage extensive amounts of data and technical expertise to offer these AI solutions, refining the tools to better meet the evolving needs of small businesses.

For example, a bank can use a business customer’s transactional data (sales, expenses and payment patterns) and AI-based analysis to identify trends and potential anomalies. During periods of low cash flow, an alert could be generated that suggests actionable steps to improve financial health, such as adjusting payment schedules or accessing short-term credit lines.

Additionally, the AI can provide monthly financial health reports, comparing business performance against industry benchmarks. This personalized insight helps make informed decisions quickly, ultimately improving the business’s financial stability and growth.

Consider a bank customer who wants to increase their customer base but doesn’t have the tools or comparative data to do extensive market research. The bank can step in with an AI-powered marketing tool that analyzes customer behavior and sales data from point-of-sale systems. The AI identifies peak sales times, popular menu items and customer preferences. It then generates targeted marketing campaigns, such as personalized email offers and social media promotions, aimed at different customer segments. For example, the AI suggests a discount campaign on popular items during off-peak hours to boost sales. It also creates personalized loyalty programs to retain frequent customers.

Building A Differentiation Strategy

Banks can develop an AIaaS platform tailored for small businesses, such as personalized dashboards that aggregate financial data and provide real-time insights, AI-driven marketing tools to help businesses reach their target audiences more effectively and financial planning and forecasting tools that use machine learning to predict future trends based on historical data.

To develop and deliver these services, banks must invest in people, processes and technology to provide actionable insights. Bank officers, in collaboration with data analysts who understand SMBs’ unique needs, can use AI to deliver tailored insights. Utilizing comprehensive datasets, such as transaction data, customer behavior data, market trends and industry benchmarks, AI can offer personalized recommendations.

Key technologies include advanced AI and machine learning frameworks, secure cloud computing and robust data analytics platforms. Seamless integration with existing systems such as accounting software and CRM platforms is also crucial. By combining these data and technologies, banks can create a powerful AI platform to support and empower their SMB customers.

Given the novel nature of such an offering, business owners may have data privacy concerns and face integration challenges. Handling sensitive business information requires strict adherence to regulations and security measures. Banks must understand, educate and demonstrate compliance techniques and data protection measures. Despite this, some customers may be reluctant. Banks should provide comprehensive training, user-friendly interfaces and ongoing support. By addressing these potential roadblocks, banks can streamline the development and deployment of AI platforms, offering valuable, efficient solutions for customers.

A Strategic Imperative

As the financial services industry continues to evolve, institutions that embrace AI and prioritize the needs of small businesses will be well-positioned to lead the market and achieve sustained success. Leveraging generative AI to support small businesses is a strategic motion for banks looking to differentiate in a competitive market. By offering tailored AI solutions, banks can help small businesses overcome technological barriers, improve business operations and grow. This can not only enhance customer loyalty but also open new revenue streams and strengthen the bank’s position as a key partner in the success of small businesses.
