
Industry 5.0 is emerging as a game-changer for businesses of all shapes and sizes. This transformative new phase in industrial development is more than just a buzzword – it represents a fundamental shift towards a more human-centric, collaborative and sustainable approach to conducting business. Furthermore, 5.0 has the potential to create unprecedented opportunities for SME manufacturers to innovate, grow and stay competitive in an increasingly complex market. Professor Chris Harrop OBE, Made in Britain Chairman explains.

Many of the challenges faced by manufacturing businesses today are both multifaceted and interconnected – requiring a combination of human ingenuity and technological capabilities to solve. These challenges range from the rapid pace of technological advancement to shifting consumer expectations and the pressing need for sustainable manufacturing practices. To navigate this landscape successfully, manufacturing businesses must be agile, innovative and responsive to the evolving demands of the market.

While Industry 4.0 revolutionised manufacturing production – with the transformative impact of automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) – Industry 5.0 represents a paradigm shift towards a more human-centric, collaborative and sustainable approach to manufacturing success. This new industrial era promises to redefine the role of humans in the production process, leveraging their unique capabilities in conjunction with advanced technologies to create more value-driven and ethical manufacturing models.

By joining the Made in Britain community, manufacturing SMEs can leverage collective expertise and resources to better navigate the complexities of Industry 5.0.

‘A re-found purposefulness’

The European Commission (EC) has described the new industrial age as ‘defined by a re-found and widened purposefulness, going beyond producing goods and services for profit. This wider purpose constitutes three core elements: human-centricity, sustainability, and resilience.’ This holistic perspective aligns business objectives with broader societal goals, ensuring that economic growth does not come at the expense of environmental health or social well-being.

“A purely profit-driven approach has become increasingly untenable,” according to EC research. “In a globalised world, a narrow focus on profit fails to account correctly for environmental and societal costs and benefits. For industry to become the provider of true prosperity, the definition of its true purpose must include social, environmental, and societal considerations.” This shift in perspective encourages manufacturing businesses to consider the long-term impacts of their operations and to strive for a balance between economic success and positive social contributions.

Industry 5.0 promotes collaborative problem-solving, through which humans and machines complement each other’s abilities to drive progress and growth in manufacturing. It builds on the digital foundations laid by Industry 4.0. While the previous revolution emphasised automation and efficiency, it also sparked concerns about job displacement and the loss of human involvement in production processes. By addressing these concerns, Industry 5.0 aims to create a more balanced and inclusive industrial landscape.

Made in Britain fosters collaboration among UK manufacturers, enabling them to share best practices and innovative solutions, which are essential for thriving in the Industry 5.0 landscape.

Man meets machine

Industry 5.0 addresses these issues by reintegrating human skills, creativity and intuition into the manufacturing equation. This shift is particularly advantageous for manufacturing SMEs, which often rely on the creativity and flexibility of their workforce to drive innovation. The ability to combine human insight with technological precision enables manufacturing SMEs to develop unique solutions and products that stand out in a competitive market.

One of the defining characteristics of Industry 5.0 is its focus on human-machine collaboration. Unlike previous industrial revolutions that primarily replaced human labour with machines, Industry 5.0 promotes environments where humans and machines work together harmoniously. This collaborative approach not only enhances productivity but also ensures that the human element remains integral to the manufacturing process.

This is especially relevant for manufacturing SMEs, where the close-knit nature of operations and the unique skills of employees are critical assets. By leveraging advanced technologies such as collaborative robots (cobots), augmented reality and sophisticated human-machine interfaces, manufacturing SMEs can enhance productivity while maintaining the invaluable human touch that distinguishes their products and services. The integration of these technologies allows manufacturing SMEs to streamline their operations without sacrificing the quality and personalisation that their customers value.

The rise of consumer demand for customised products and personalised experiences is another driving force behind Industry 5.0. Manufacturing SMEs are often well-positioned to meet these demands due to their inherent flexibility and close customer relationships. This ability to quickly adapt to individual customer needs provides a significant competitive advantage in today’s market, where consumers increasingly seek unique and tailored products.

Tech on tap

Industry 5.0 will empower manufacturing businesses and other organisations to integrate human creativity with advanced technologies like AI and robotics, enabling them to offer tailored products and services. This integration allows for a level of customisation and responsiveness that was previously unattainable, helping businesses to better meet the diverse needs of their customers.

One of the misconceptions about Industry 5.0 is that it is only applicable to large corporations with vast resources. However, the democratisation of technology means that affordable automation tools and advanced technologies are now accessible to manufacturing SMEs. This accessibility is crucial for ensuring that manufacturing SMEs can compete on a level playing field with larger enterprises.

Collaborative robots, AI-powered analytics and augmented reality systems are no longer prohibitively expensive and can be scaled to fit the needs and budgets of smaller manufacturing enterprises. This accessibility allows manufacturing SMEs to implement cutting-edge solutions that enhance their operations and drive innovation without breaking the bank. By embracing these technologies, manufacturing SMEs can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase their market competitiveness.

Ethical and social value

As automation and AI continue to advance, ethical and social concerns such as job displacement and the erosion of human autonomy become more pronounced. Industry 5.0 addresses these issues head-on by promoting ethical AI practices and ensuring human oversight of automated systems. This approach ensures that technology serves to augment rather than replace human capabilities, preserving jobs and fostering a more inclusive industrial environment.

In today’s era of heightened environmental awareness, sustainable practices are no longer optional but necessary. Industry 5.0 emphasises the importance of sustainability and responsible resource management, integrating human creativity with technology to develop innovative solutions for environmental challenges. This focus on sustainability helps manufacturing businesses reduce their environmental footprint and contribute positively to global efforts to combat climate change.

For manufacturing SMEs, adopting these sustainable practices can lead to significant competitive advantages, including cost savings from efficient resource use and improved brand image – as well as compliance with increasingly stringent environmental regulations. By positioning themselves as leaders in sustainability, manufacturing SMEs can attract environmentally conscious customers and partners, enhancing their market reputation and long-term viability.

Adaptability and agility

Industry 5.0’s emphasis on human-machine collaboration will create opportunities for those manufacturing SMEs able to quickly pivot, adopting new technologies and business models. Smaller businesses are often able to respond to changing market conditions and consumer preferences more effectively than their larger, less agile counterparts. This agility allows manufacturing SMEs to stay ahead of industry trends and seize new opportunities as they arise.

By embracing the principles of human-centric collaboration, customisation, ethical considerations and sustainability, even the smallest manufacturing businesses can play a role in driving productivity, innovation and social progress in the age of man and machine. Being part of the Made in Britain network of UK manufacturers not only signifies a commitment to high-quality British manufacturing but also enhances market visibility, helping SMEs to attract eco-conscious and quality-driven customers.

Industry 5.0 offers manufacturing SMEs the framework they need to innovate, grow and thrive in the digital age. By leveraging their unique strengths and integrating advanced technologies, manufacturing SMEs can navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape and achieve both sustainable and sustained success.
