
Image credit: Digi

PETALING JAYA: Bhd’s business unit (Digi Business) plans to leverage new technologies that can help identify customers’ pain points more accurately.

The mobile connectivity and Internet services provider’s chief business officer Eugene Teh says the aim is to speed up the process of delivering relevant solutions that meet customer needs for business growth.

“We will ensure that our products are based on customers’ needs and we are adaptable enough to cater to a variety of different requirements of different businesses,” Teh told StarBiz.

He pointed out that Digi Business differentiates its offerings via the values that it brings along with its products and services.

“Embedded in every Digizen is a customer-obsessed mindset which we carry in everything that we do. At Digi, we like to make it easy for our customers to adopt digitalisation and ensure the solutions that we introduce are practical and business friendly,” said Teh.

Regarding Digi Business’ plans for growth, Teh said the unit is still in its early years when it comes to business-to-business (B2B). He added however that the past few years have proven that B2B will be a key growth lever.

“We are certain that B2B will contribute a significant proportion of absolute growth when Digi returns to growth this year,” he said.

Teh noted that while Digi Business is focused on the large enterprise (LE) space, it remains committed to continue delivering relevant and effective digital tools to small medium enterprises (SMEs).

“More than that, we look forward to elevating customer experience with 5G as an enabler, fuelling new innovations and exploring the endless opportunities with other technologies like Big Data and artificial intelligence (AI) to future-proof these organisations with leading edge advantages,” he explained.

He added that Digi Business looks forward to forming more meaningful partnerships and collaborating with the right partners that enable the unit to cover a wider spectrum of solutions, to serve both the SME and LE segments.

Additionally, Teh noted that SMEs had gone through a rough patch in the past two years due to the pandemic.

However, he pointed out that at the same time, the pandemic had also accelerated many SMEs’ adoption of digitalisation.

“Not only that, we have also witnessed how businesses and entrepreneurs came up with creative and innovative marketing ideas in order to survive, especially during the movement restrictions,” he said.

Teh noted that Digi will continue to focus on providing suitable digital tools and solutions that can help transform and strengthen SMEs’ businesses with greater productivity at a lower operating cost.

According to a study by Huawei Technologies, 85% of digital adoption by SMEs is mostly concentrated in computing devices and connectivity, while only 15% put their resources in back-end business processes such as inventory management, customer service and fulfilment.“As their digitalisation partner, Digi is committed to assist SMEs on various aspects of digitalisation,” said Teh.

He pointed out that there was a rampant increase of cyber threats during the movement control order period in 2020, when most businesses turned to the Internet and went online.

As such, Digi Business decided to introduce a new cloud-based cybersecurity solution, Cisco Umbrella, as part of its SME product portfolio to help safeguard these businesses from the risk of cyber attacks.

“Other tools that we have in our digital solutions portfolio include iFleet, Omni, altHR, d’SMS, and Avana. These are all designed to help SMEs take the first step in their digitalisation journey,” said Teh.

As for providing connectivity solutions for LEs, Teh explained that three years ago, the group realised that the future of industries was shifting in the digital direction and that having successful B2B digitalisation partnerships with LEs would also strengthen Digi’s overall brand position.

“Since then, we have been working with large corporations and government bodies, providing them with innovative and customisable solutions designed to meet their digital transformation goals,” he said.

He pointed out that the move also signified Digi’s transition from just being a connectivity provider into the beyond connectivity sphere, which also allows the group to further sweat its assets.

“Being Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) certified and acknowledged for our secure and reliable network is also a testimony to our ongoing commitment in providing customers with solutions that are of the industry’s highest standards,” said Teh.MEF is an industry forum leading the development of a global federation of network, cloud, and technology providers.

To date, under the LE segment, Digi Business has enabled large organisations from various key industries in Malaysia such as private network solutions for oil and gas (O&G), unified communications for financial services sectors, managed Internet services for retails, connectivity solutions for manufacturing and Internet of Things (IoT) for ports and utilities.

Teh explained that Digi Business considered itself to be different from other providers, where it entered this segment with an intention to become an equal partner to its business customers, helping them with their transformation journey through careful study and understanding of their business goals – customising its solutions, connecting them with new possibilities and opportunities and making breakthrough success stories together with them.

“This is very much in line with Digi’s aim to become the trusted digital partner for both SMEs and LEs alike and to walk hand in hand with them on their upward trajectory and growth,” he said.

“As we grow as a business, we want to ensure that our customers have the necessary solutions that can help them fast track their business growth as well.

“So, we started by introducing secure connectivity and digital solutions that could elevate and future-proof businesses to allow them to perform better not just locally, but also on a global stage,” he added.

Teh also noted that the group had embarked on its own digitalisation journey several years ago and as such, “understand first-hand the amount of effort and knowhow needed to transform a business digitally.”Presently, Digi Business is focusing on five key industries which are O&G, financial services industry, retail, ports and logistics, manufacturing and utilities.

“We will continue to provide services to these identified industries where applicable, but would also look at venturing into other relevant industries when the time comes,” said Teh.

He pointed out that Digi Business is more than ready to be a part of the national conversation in modelling a digital future and digital-ready Malaysia.

Teh said tech innovation moves and evolves quickly and that businesses need to ensure they are equipped to take advantage of it.

“Companies that actively explore emerging technologies will see the value in how these technologies will be integral in everything they do – from the planning stages to ensuring safety and security, utilising data to make more informed decisions and connected devices,” he said. “Automation can help speed up daily processes, AI and IoT can create more trust and transparency in supply chains, lower fees and shorten transaction processes,” he added.

Teh also explained that Digi Business works with various partners in order to leverage on each other’s expertise and provide holistic service packages and product offerings for the benefits of its SME and LE customers.
