SME News
RM10bil stimulus package welcomed but details need to be reviewed, say associations
PETALING JAYA: The RM10bil stimulus package unveiled by the government will provide more relief to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), but the devil’s in the details, some associations have noted. Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Ag...
SME cash reserves can last another two months
GEORGE TOWN: About 70% of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the country have cash reserves to last for another two months. Small and Medium Association Malaysia (Samenta) national secretary Yeoh Seng Hooi said this is an alarming situatio...
HR Ministry: Wage subsidy available to all firms with workers paid below RM4,000 monthly
KUALA LUMPUR, April 7 — All companies with workers paid RM4,000 a month or less are eligible for the government’s wage subsidy scheme, according to the Human Resources Ministry. The RM5.9 billion wage subsidy was initially announced in...
RM250bil second stimulus package should help tech startups, says Pikom think tank
KUALA LUMPUR: Future Digital, the think tank arm of the National Tech Association of Malaysia (Pikom) believes the RM250 billion second stimulus package should also cover the local technology startup community. "Future Digital is an independe...
Services and manufacturing remain key contributors to economy
KUALA LUMPUR: The services and manufacturing sectors remained as key contributors to Malaysia’s economy, which grew 4.3 per cent last year. Bank Negara Malaysia, in its inaugural Economic and Monetary Review 2019, said the two sectors had ex...