SME News
Government must not allow SMEs to collapse
SMALL and medium enterprises (SMEs), without a doubt, form an integral part of the country's economy. They account for some 40 per cent of Malaysia’s gross domestic product while employing two-thirds of the country’s workers. SM...
Next, provide incentives for businesses to adapt, reskill, says IDEAS
KUALA LUMPUR, April 7 — After introducing the Additional Prihatin Package for Small and Medium Enterprises (Prihatin SME Plus), the government should next look at providing targeted incentives for businesses to adapt and reskill, says the Insti...
‘Extra RM10bil softens impact on SMEs’
PETALING JAYA: The government’s additional RM10bil stimulus package will help soften the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and movement control order on small and medium enterprises (SMEs), says Association of Belt and Road Malaysia president Dat...
MATTA: Much more can be done to help Malaysia’s tourism industry
KUALA LUMPUR (April 7): Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA) president Datuk Tan Kok Liang said today that the association is thankful for the government’s assistance provided thus far to mitigate the economic impact of the C...
It’s time to plan for post-Covid-19
PUTRAJAYA: The additional RM10bil in government aid will help business owners and allow workers to keep their jobs, but the government also wants to continue supporting businesses after the movement control order (MCO) period. Minister in the Prim...